MAXstream Original - Horor | Telkomsel

MAXstream Original - Horor

Horror stories from MAXstream Original



OOH, GOOSEBUMPS! Can't get enough of shaman topics? You’ll love this. We have Indonesian horror movie recommendation, specifically about shamans, for you thrill seekers!


Lately, people have been discussing about shamans and their existence. But did you know that many filmmakers have already told the stories of shamans before? These movies certainly will make you feel the chills, but they also tell you about dark magic or spooky stories that we might have heard frequently from real people around us—which can appear more realistic and scarier. So, if you’re all for those creepy cinematic experiences, we’ll recommend you 2 MAXstream Original horror movies! Check them out.


  1. Eyang Putri




    You may want to be careful with this movie, because it's not easy for your heart. It tells a story about supernatural terrors that happen to a family. It starts with the mysterious deaths of the child of a maid and nurse in Grandma Sri (Marini Soerjosoemarno)’s house. Following those tragedies, Grandma ends up living all by herself. What a pity, right? Because of that, Gendis (Sheila Dara), her husband, and step child decide to live together with Grandma to take care of her. Unfortunately, the terror begins when a series of strange incidents happen to them, such as hearing Grandma laugh by herself like a little kid and finding a piece of glass coming out from Grandma’s body. There’s no doubt Grandma has been cursed! But who on earth did that to her? Find out the answer in MAXstream Original movie, “Eyang Putri”.


  2. Kajeng Kliwon




    Have you heard a saying, “If you’re planning to get married, you’ll find a lot of trials during the process”? Well, that certainly happens to Agni (Amanda Manopo) and Niko (Christ Laurent). They met for the first time at a café that belongs to Agni’s friend, Wijaya (Vincent Andrianto). That’s where they fell in love and the lovebirds end up marrying each other in Bali. During the wedding preparations, so far only troubles have been following them. Not only do they have to face differences in principle, but also supernatural disturbances. A series of terrors haunt them, even nearly taking their lives. What are they gonna do? Keeping on with the wedding plan? Or will their plan be destroyed by sinister terrors? But who actually sent them the most wicked creature in Bali, Leyak? Watch “Kajeng Kliwon” for the full story.


Now, are you sure you’re brave enough to watch these movies? You can watch them for FREE on MAXstream app. We challenge you to watch them, so download MAXstream app now on Play Store or App Store! Or, you can click here.


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