Kontribusi Pajak | Telkomsel


Tax Contribution

Telkomsel is steadfastly committed to delivering benefits to all Indonesians through a range of digital services and solutions. In the spirit of propelling the country's progress, Telkomsel continually improves its network infrastructure, maintains the quality of services for customers, and fulfills its responsibilities as a contributor to state revenue in both tax and non-tax sectors.

As the telecommunication service provider with the widest network coverage, Telkomsel has met its obligations for Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP). From 2019 to 2022, Telkomsel's annual PNBP payments to the state treasury averaged Rp7 trillion, encompassing Frequency Use Rights Fees, Telecommunications Operation Rights Fees, and USO Contributions.

Telkomsel was also recognized by the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) as the largest tax contributor in 2021 at the Tax Service Office (KPP) IV Large Taxpayer. Telkomsel's total tax commitments to the state reached Rp15.8 trillion.

In 2022, Telkomsel earned the First Rank Award for the Largest Telecommunications Operating Rights PNBP Fee from the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. This recognition was achieved by surpassing Rp460 billion in PNBP payments, contributing a total of more than Rp7.9 trillion to the state treasury.

In early 2022, Telkomsel was one of the largest tax contributors at the KPP IV Large Taxpayers, with a national tax obligation totaling Rp18.1 trillion. As a significant taxpayer, Telkomsel's total PNBP payments and tax obligations exceeded Rp26 trillion, fostering further growth for Indonesia and advancing the digital ecosystem.

Apart from PNBP and tax contributions, Telkomsel supports the government by providing dividends through TelkomGroup's company ownership, contributing over 36% of Telkomsel's total revenue in 2022 to the state.

Looking ahead, Telkomsel reaffirms its commitment to providing optimal services for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) customers by prioritizing customer-centric principles. This ensures Telkomsel's continued contribution to the country's income from PNBP and taxes, playing a crucial role as a corporate taxpayer in catalyzing the nation's development and advancing Indonesia's digital ecosystem.

Kontribusi Pajak