Penggagas Masa Depan | Telkomsel

Penggagas Masa Depan


Telkomsel Brings #PenggagasMasaDepan Together

With the best network across the country, Telkomsel connects Indonesian creators from #PenggagasMasaDepan with telecommunication service that opens the way for new art, science, and technology movement.

#PenggagasMasaDepan - HONF

HONF, Digital Community and Lab for Inventors

HONF is an interdisciplinary and community lab that works together to create a new movement of street-scientist and bring it up to the global stage. HONF is built upon the belief that everybody can contribute to science, art, and technology no matter what their background is. Some of its sub-communities come from the culinary background, micro-bacteria, fashion, space science, social media experiment, and many more.

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Experiments and Inventions are Not Limited by Walls

HONF’s vision is to break the wall of conventional laboratory. They don’t believe in a lab as a building. With the help of digital technology and strong internet network from Telkomsel, they are able to always connect and gather people digitally to experiment at wherever locations they find perfect for the project.

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As Long As They Are Connected, There Is No Limit for #PenggagasMasaDepan

To make a great invention, the inventors follow their curiosity and any opportunity that comes along. Their determination and internet connection from Telkomsel provide access to unlimited information and build both national and international networking. As a result, their invention such as fabrics from soy waste gained multinational recognition and network (FABLAB). As long as the spirit to invent remains and they are connected by Telkomsel’s internet connection, there is no limit to shape the future.

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