Telkomsel Introduces Ilmupedia Data Plan and ‘Ilmupedia Berani Jawab!’ Quiz, Driving Digitalization for A More Inclusive Access to Knowledge

Telkomsel Introduces Ilmupedia Data Plan and ‘Ilmupedia Berani Jawab!’ Quiz, Driving Digitalization for A More Inclusive Access to Knowledge

Jakarta, 5 March 2020Telkomsel introduces another initiative to contribute in improving education system in Indonesia by enabling a more inclusive access to knowledge. This initiative is translated into Ilmupedia, a special data plan and Ilmupedia Berani Jawab (IBJ) quiz. Ilmupedia is a special data plan that can be used to access various study apps, while IBJ is a national-level quiz held for high school students and equivalent from across Indonesia.

Vice President Mass Market Telkomsel Hastining B. Astuti says, “Telkomsel is committed to be the enabler for young generation and Telkomsel believes that access to education and knowledge must be widely available. In line with government’s commitment through The Ministry of Education and Culture to adopt technology as a tool to create equal opportunity and support for students, therefore Telkomsel launches Ilmupedia data plan and IBJ quiz.”

Hastining further explains that these two initiatives are part of Telkomsel’s effort to create an inclusive digital ecosystem, particularly in education. “Ilmupedia data plan can be used to access various online study apps. The plan is aimed at to motivate students to keep exploring their potentials through exciting and accessible online study. Meanwhile IBJ quiz is held both online and offline and joined by participants from various cities across Indonesia.”

Telkomsel Hadirkan Paket Data ilmupedia dan Kuis ilmupedia Berani Jawab!, Dorong Digitalisasi Akses Ilmu Pengetahuan yang Lebih Inklusif

Ilmupedia data plan allows users to access study apps such as Quipper, Cakap, Bahaso, and Zenius.  Going forward, Telkomsel will continue to develop and expand Ilmupedia offerings through collaboration with strategic partners that share a common vision with Telkomsel in helping young generation in Indonesia to explore their talent through education. Ilmupedia data plan can be activated by Telkomsel prepaid customers through MyTelkomsel app or by dialing in *363*844#. For further information, please visit Telkomsel’s official website at

Meanwhile, IBJ quiz was held on February 5th, 2020 and joined by more than 18.200 students divided into around 3.700 groups of five students, where all participants came from 2.020 schools in 324 cities nationwide, from Sabang to Merauke.

Telkomsel Hadirkan Paket Data ilmupedia dan Kuis ilmupedia Berani Jawab!, Dorong Digitalisasi Akses Ilmu Pengetahuan yang Lebih Inklusif

After passing two stages of online elimination, SMAN 1 Sambas, SMAN 3 Pontianak, SMA Katolik Rajawali Makassar, SMAN 2 Mataram, SMAN 1 Pekalongan, SMAN 1 Bojonegoro, SMANU MH Thamrin Jakarta, SMAN 1 Garut, Sekolah Global Mandiri Cibubur Bogor, SMAU CT Foundation Medan, SMAN 1 Matauli Pandan Tapanuli Tengah, and SMA Xaverius Kota Lubuklinggau named the Top 12 winning schools.

Students from these 12 schools were competing at the Grand Final of IBJ held at Telkomsel Smart Office in Jakarta on March 5th, 2020. After battling through a tough competition, SMAN 1 Sambas earns the first place, with second and third places earned by Sekolah Global Mandiri Cibubur and SMAN 1 Pekalongan. All these three winners and winners of Top 12 are entitled for a total prize of more than Rp 360 million. In order to create a wider positive impact, IBJ will be organized again in the middle of this year.

Telkomsel Hadirkan Paket Data ilmupedia dan Kuis ilmupedia Berani Jawab!, Dorong Digitalisasi Akses Ilmu Pengetahuan yang Lebih Inklusif

“Congratulations to all schools that have won the Ilmupedia Berani Jawab! Quiz. We hope, these schools would inspire other students to improve their skills to become excellent human resources who would actively contribute for the nation’s progress.”

“We are also delighted to learn the huge interests coming from students to participate in IBJ as seen in the number of participants and the diverse locations of participating schools which came not only from big cities but also from districts such as Gunungsitoli-North Sumatera,  Central Tapanuli-North Sumatera, Lubuklinggau-South Sumatera, to Sambas-West Kalimantan, Baubau-South-East Sulawesi, and Jayapura-Papua. The diversity in IBJ participant’s locations is a strong motivation for us to continue enabling inclusive access to knowledge through collaboration with partners that share mutual vision with us in enabling inclusive digital ecosystem sustainably,” Hastining concluded.