Optimizing resource allocation for strategic tasks through machine learning.
Server implementation to the cloud or premises can be adjusted to customer needs.
Video Analytics with machine learning can instantly detect objects in real-time.
Automatic object analysis using machine learning for data reports and insights.
This system operates using AI technology integrated into the camera and actively processes data received from the camera.
Video Analytics is flexible so it can be run either on platform computing, the cloud, or both. The provided business model schemes include managed services or upfront payments.
First, we will conduct an assessment of your company. Then, we will provide a solution that suits your needs.
Video Analytics can be used by all industries.
Video Analytics can be bundled with IaaS and Private Network solutions.
Empowering Business Growth with Actionable Insights from Telco Big Data.
Data-driven analytics solutions for proactive business decision making.
Marketing engagement platform targeting customer satisfaction and experience.
Online survey platform with a reach of 159 Mn respondents throughout Indonesia